How to analyze data using dedicated reports?

Learn about the mechanisms of the risk management system that enable comprehensive analysis and reporting in erisk. We developed an exemplary scenario of using the system, planned the individual steps, and then recorded a material that presents the functionalities of the risk management software in areas related to the automation of reporting in erisk. We present the activities carried out from the perspective of a Risk Manager who generates reports of interest based on current data available in real time. Read the scenario, then watch our video and evaluate the operation of the erisk risk management system.

Use case


System users

Secondary Risk Owner
Risk Manager

Use case scenario

The Risk Manager wants to analyze data using dedicated reports.

The Risk Manager selects the report data.

In the wizard, the Risk Manager selects what data he wants to see in the report.

Data visualization.

The system presents the results of the report. The Risk Manager chooses a convenient form of result visualization.

Report examples.

The Risk Manager switches to any report format: BIA, risk count, business continuity risk map. 

the video